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Date: March 21-24, 2006 |
- March 29, 2006: Photo gallery is opened.
- March 27, 2006: The 4th ISPF was held successfuly with your kindly cooperation! The photo album will be uploaded on the homepage soon.
- March 24, 2006: The 2006 ISPF Award for the Most Outstanding Presentation was awarded to,
- Mr. Dirk Breuer (RWTH Aachen, Germany); Prediction of Ductile Fracture in Cold Forming Processes with the Finite Element Method and Artificial Neural Networks
- Mr. Karl Haeussler (Thyssen Krupp Presta AG, Liechtenstein); Improvement of Service Life of Cold Forging Tools - Aspects of Structural FEM Analysis, Material Selection and Tool Manufacturing
Outline The "JSTP International Prize for R&D in Precision Forging" was established in 1996 to promote research and development in precision forging and other net shape forming methods with a fund donated by Nichidai Corporation. The fourth prize is to be given to Prof. N. Bay and Prof. K. Osakada at the 8th ICTP (Verona, Italy) in October, 2005. Past prize winners of JSTP International Prize;
Prize winners 1st (1996) Prof. H. Kudo and Prof. T. Altan 2nd (1999) Prof. K. Lange and Dr. H. Pugh 3rd (2002) Prof. K. Kondo and Prof. M. Geiger 4th (2005) Prof. N. Bay and Prof. K. Osakada As an associated event of the Prize, an "International Seminar on Precision Forging" (ISPF) will be held in Nara, Japan from March 21 to 24, 2006. ISPF was held in Osaka (1997, 2000) and Nagoya (2004), respectively. In the seminar, about 10 active researchers/engineers reviewed the recent development of precision forging technology, and the invited young researchers/engineers introduced their own activities. There were about 100 participants at each seminar. The programs and further information of 1st-3rd ISPF are listed as following;
Date Place Program 1st March 31-April 3, 1997 Osaka Program 2nd May 15-18, 2000 Osaka Program 3rd March 15-18, 2004 Nagoya Program
Seminar This seminar consists of keynote lectures by the prize winners and guest speakers, and oral/poster presentations by invited young researchers/engineers in order to lead the new technology. After the seminar, factory visit (Nichidai and some hot/cold forging factories) will be arranged.
About 30 young researchers/engineers under 35 years old will be invited to the seminar by providing travel grants. The invited young researchers/engineers have to present their papers/posters at the seminar.Travel grant for young researchers/engineers The lowest international air fare from the nearest airport of your working place to Osaka and the hotel charge during the seminar will be granted. For the application to the grant, please use the attached application form. The result whether the applicant is invited with travel grant or not, and the amount of the grant will be notified until December 10, 2005.
Application form for travel grant: [MS Word] [PDF]General participants We would like to welcome about 50 experienced researchers/engineers regardless their ages, and they are expected to give some comments and some discussions at this seminar. For general participants, this seminar may be also good opportunity to acquire new forging technology. (For general participants, we will keep the accommodations and meals, but will not grant the expenses for the travel, hotel fees and meals.)
Application form for general participants: [MS Word] [PDF]Schedule
Date November 20, 2005 Deadline for application to the travel grant December 10, 2005 Announcement of the acceptance February 1, 2006 Deadline for full papers March 20, 2006 Early registration at Hotel Nikko Nara March 21 and 22, 2006 Lectures and presentations in Nara-Ken New Public Hall (Nara) March 23, 2006 Visit to industries; Osaka Seiko Limited, Sakamura Machine Co.,Ltd March 24, 2006 Visit to industries; Gohsyu Co.,Ltd, Nichidai Corporation
- Prof. N. Bay, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Prof. K. Osakada, Osaka University, Japan
- Prof. T. Nakamura, Shizuoka University, Japan
- Prof. R. Kopp, University of Technology Aachen, Germany
- Prof. K. Kuzman, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Prof. C.G. Kang, Pusan National University, Korea
- Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, Japan
- Prof. T. Altan, The Ohio State University, USA
- Prof. K. Kondo, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan
- Dr. S. Fujikawa, Nissan Motor Corp., Japan
- Mr. S. Enomae, Komatsu Industries Corp., Japan
- Mr. T. Shimizu, Daido Steel Co., Ltd., Japan
- Mr. M. Yasuoka, Nachi-Fujikoshi Corp., Japan
Contact Dr. Kazuhiko Kitamura
Secretary, The Organizing Committee of 4th ISPF
Associate Professor
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
Fax: +81-52-735-5342
E-mail: kitamura.kazuhiko@ (Please attach nitech.ac.jp after kitamura.kazuhiko@)Dr. Ryo Matsumoto
Secretary, The Organizing Committee of 4th ISPF
Research Associate
Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka 560-8531, Japan
Fax: +81-6-6850-6199
E-mail: ryo@ (Please attach me.es.osaka-u.ac.jp after ryo@)Detailed information
- Schedule of seminar
- Program of lectures and oral presentations
- Program of poster presentations
- Lecture/oral presentation method
- Poster presentation method
- Questionnaire for discussion hour [MS Word] [PDF] [Introduction]
- Factory tour
- List of lecture and presentation of invited young researchers/engineers
- Guidelines for the authors of papers: [Guidelines] [Sample]
- Guidelines for the authors of posters: [Guidelines]
- Information for JSTP member (Japanese page)
Venue and access information
- Map of Nara City
- Seminar venue: Nara-Ken New Public Hall
- Hotel: Hotel Nikko Nara (1 minute walk from JR Nara Station-West Exit)
- From Kansai International Airport
- From Osaka International Airport (Itami Airport)
- Bus to JR Nara Station: About 75 minutes, \1,440 (The bus is operated every hour)
- From Narita International Airport
- To fly Kansai International Airport or Osaka International Airport (Itami Airport): About 1 hour flight
- To move JR Kyoto Station by train (SHINKANSEN) from JR Tokyo Station: About 150 minutes
- From JR Kyoto Station
- To JR Nara Station by train: About 60 minutes
ISPF Award for the Most Outstanding Presentation
- Purpose: The "2006 ISPF Award for the Most Outstanding Presentation" is established to encourage young researchers/engineers and will be awarded to the impressive oral/poster presentations of invited young researchers/engineers.
- Candidate: All invited young researchers/engineers of the 4th ISPF
- Judges: Prize winners of the "2005 JSTP International Prize for R&D in Precision Forging" and some of the invited keynote lecturers of the 4th ISPF
- Prize: A certificate and an invitation to the "5th ISPF" (including the travel grant) will be granted. The winner(s) will be announced at the farewell party of the 4th ISPF.
- Application form for travel grant: [MS Word] [PDF]
- Application form for general participants: [MS Word] [PDF]
- Guidelines for the authors of papers: [Guidelines] [Sample]
- Guidelines for the authors of posters: [Guidelines]
Link Organizing Committee of 4th ISPF
- Prof. T. Nakamura (Chairman), Shizuoka University, Japan
- Prof. H. Sekiguchi, Nara National College of Technology, Japan
- Prof. K. Osakada, Osaka University, Japan
- Prof. T. Ishikawa, Nagoya University, Japan
- Mr. S. Hamaya, Nichidai Corporation, Japan
- Dr. K. Kitamura (Secretary), Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
- Dr. R. Matsumoto (Secretary), Osaka University, Japan
Nichidai Corporation Nichidai Corporation is one of famous die-makers in the world, and designs, manufactures and sells many kinds of precision dies and precision forged products. Nichidai Co. has contributed to JSTP for establishing the International Prize for R&D in Precision Forging and the ISPF. The president of Nichidai Co. would like to stimulate not only the R&D in precision forging technology but also the international exchange and understanding among young researchers/engineers over the world. The further information about Nichidai Co. can be seen in the web page. Updating history
- March 8, 2006: The detailed information of the "2006 ISPF Award for the Most Outstanding Presentation" is uploaded.
- March 6, 2006: The "2006 ISPF Award for the Most Outstanding Presentation" is established for the invited young researchers/engineers. The detailed information will be informed soon.
- March 6, 2006: Final program is uploaded.
- March 6, 2006: Weather information of Nara is linked.
- March 3, 2006: Map of Nara City is uploaded.
- February 23, 2006: Wireless internet connections will be available at the seminar venue (Nara-Ken New Public Hall).
- February 15, 2006: Questionnaire for discussion hour ([MS Word] [PDF]) is uploaded. Please fill out the sheet, and kindly return back to R. Matsumoto until March 5, 2006. [Introduction]
- February 11, 2006: Presentation method is uploaded.
- February 10, 2006: Seminar program (tentative) is uploaded.
- January 25, 2006: "Future Challenges in Precision Forging Technology" is selected as the main theme of 4th ISPF by the organizing committee.
- January 25, 2006: Information of factory visit is uploaded.
- January 11, 2006: The organizing committee sent the invitation letter to the invited members. If you don't receive any mail from us, please contact us.
- January 11, 2006: List of keynote lecture and presentation of invited young researchers/engineers is uploaded.
- December 30, 2005: The organizing committee sent E-mail about the travel grant to the keynote lecturers and invited young researchers/engineers (except for Japanese). If you don't receive any E-mail from us, please contact us.
- December 19, 2005: The organizing committee notified the invitation E-mail to the invited young researchers/engineers. If you don't receive any E-mail from the organizing committee, please contact us.
- December 17, 2005: Guidelines for the authors of posters are uploaded. [Guidelines]
- December 10, 2005: The organizing committee fixed the invited young researchers/engineers and will notify the invitation E-mail to them soon.
- November 30, 2005: Guidelines for the authors of papers are uploaded. [Guidelines] [Sample]
- November 30, 2005: Access information is uploaded.