(April 1st, 2015)
The summarized data of the discussion hour is uploaded: [PDF]
(March 27th, 2015)
The 7th ISPF was held successfuly with your kind cooperation!
Photo gallery is opend in the homepage.
(Feburuary 23th, 2015)
Program(Final ver.) of the seminar is uploaded: [PDF]
Outline program of the seminar is uploaded: [PDF]
(Feburuary 14th, 2015)
Program(ver. 2) of the seminar is uploaded: [PDF]
(January 14th, 2015)
Program(ver. 1) of the seminar is uploaded
(January 7th, 2015)
Presentation method for the authors of oral presentation is uploaded: [PDF]
Presentation method for the authors of poster presentation is uploaded:
(January 6th, 2015)
Guidelines for the authors of papers are uploaded: [MS Word] [PDF] [Sample]
(December 1st, 2014)
Submission deadline of the travel grant for young researchers/engineers
was extended.
November 30th, 2014 December 7th, 2014 Closed
(November 12th, 2014) web site renewal
This seminar consists of keynote lectures by the prize winners and guest
speakers, and oral/poster presentations by invited young researchers/engineers
in order to lead the new technology. After the seminar, factory visit (Nichidai
and some hot/cold forging factories) will be arranged.
About 30 young researchers / engineers under 35 years old will be invited to the seminar by providing travel grants. The invited young researchers / engineers have to present their papers / posters at the seminar.